In December 2024, Biopôle turned 20! In the lead-up to this milestone, we caught up with the CEO of Biopôle SA, Nasri Nahas, and the Chair of the Board of Directors, Nouria Hernandez, to discuss the community Biopôle has built over the past two decades and what the future might hold.
What do you see as Biopôle’s biggest achievements in the past 20 years?
Nouria: I’ll kick us off! There are so many achievements to list. One of them is the fulfilment of our central mission: the establishment of an innovation park that actually has the characteristics of a campus – in other words, a place that generates interactions and collaborations between people from different horizons, companies, academic institutions and Biopôle SA too.
What’s more, we’ve established various programmes for early-stage ventures and projects that have really thrived. I recently learned from Nasri that out of the 50 start-ups we’ve hosted in StartLab since it opened, 80% are still in operation – that feels like a big win.
Nasri: I agree – the way we accompany our companies from inception to launch and beyond is one of our biggest strengths. In fact, for the past couple of years, we’ve had barely any companies leave Biopôle due to needing more space or support. Our members are able to grow with us: HAYA Therapeutics is a key example, as a company that started at StartLab, then moved to Superlab, then to its own facilities and just closed a US$1bn deal in September 2024.
And this also speaks to the community we have built over the years: it’s about much more than just the buildings and infrastructure on our campus. Biopôle has really become an ecosystem of which I’m very proud. In our latest members survey, more than 60% of respondents told us that they regularly collaborate with someone on campus who is outside their own company or research institution, which just proves how integrated everyone is. In part, I believe that’s because we’ve reached critical mass, with 170 companies, 25 research groups and 2,500 people on campus – it’s a wonderful pool of talent and expertise.
That’s certainly an impressive list of achievements! Looking ahead, what do you think Biopôle’s role will be over the next 20 years?
Nasri: Given how quickly technology is evolving today, it’s impossible to make clear predictions; we don’t have a crystal ball (who could have predicted five years ago that AI would have transformed the field in the way it has?). Still, I have aspirations for Biopôle and a vision of the path I’d like us to take over the next 20 years. First, besides continuing to build and consolidate, I would love to see Biopôle as an ecosystem and Biopôle SA as a company help our industry be more sustainable. After all, financial capital is not the only metric of success – we must also take care of three other major types of capital: people, nature and society. I hope to position Biopôle at the forefront of this, helping our members and partners drive towards more sustainable solutions.
In addition, as a CEO and as a citizen, I want to see Biopôle contribute to improving our healthcare system, not only in terms of sustainability, but also in terms of integration, as we (hopefully) move away from silos towards a model that cares more than cures and above all centres on patients. This will take innovation, but also a change in mindset. I think Biopôle and its companies can play a role there. Voilà.