> Campus > SERVICES & AMENITIES > Vivactis


Vivactis is a European scientific & medical communications agency. We mainly work for companies active in the life sciences sector (pharma, medtech, biotech, nutrition, diagnostics, digital health…), from very large players to start-ups. Our other customers are hospitals and clinics, NGOs from the healthcare sectors, research centers, PCOs and more. We can count on 250+ staff members located all around the world, most of them with dual scientific/medical and marketing backgrounds.

Vivactis - We care.

Phenyl Building – Floor 3
Route de la Corniche 3
1066 Epalinges

T. +41 21 311 62 73


  • Digital
  • Consulting in life sciences
  • Medical marketing
  • Direct to patient communication
  • Coaching of startups
  • Medical education