> News > Sensemodi wins CHF 150,000 to assess joint health with an innovative wearable

Sensemodi wins CHF 150,000 to assess joint health with an innovative wearable

Original article on VentureKick

Sensemodi (formerly known as Inmodi) develops a smart wearable that provides comprehensive information for a joint health assessment at any point of care—in less than 10 minutes. An extensive multi-sensor collection of data helps assess the knee function and detect certain joint conditions, such as osteoarthritis, earlier. By monitoring joint health, patients can take prevention measures, delay surgeries, and avoid disabilities. Sensemodi’s technology can be used in rehabilitation, diagnostics, sports, and research. The Lausanne-based startup will use the CHF 150,000 to develop a quality management system and certification strategy to take a crucial step toward market entry.

One of the leading causes of chronic knee pain and disability is osteoarthritis, an irreversible degradation of cartilage that affects millions worldwide. The disease is usually diagnosed late and not yet curable. The rise in obesity, an increase in sedentary behavior, and the aging population contribute to osteoarthritis: The number of patients needing knee replacement surgeries to treat the pain and avoid disabilities has increased to more than 1.5 million per year in the United States and Europe. To delay or stop the progression of the disease, patients need to start preventative regimens early. However, current knee wearables are restricted to analyze the range of motion.

Sensemodi’s patented technology allows the earlier detection of osteoarthritis, among other conditions, complemented by assessing the disease’s severity and progression. The startup’s smart-wearable platform creates an in-motion joint health assessment through a multi-sensor approach. The collected multi-modal data—including thermal, kinematic, and acoustic information—is combined with artificial intelligence algorithms and helps doctors detect diseases early. Based on the evaluated data, patients receive personalized treatment plans.

Sensemodi was founded by Dr. Jérôme Thevenot (CEO), Dr. Tomás Teijeiro (CTO) and Dr. David Atienza (technology advisor and co-founder). Sensemodi aims to reach a minimum viable product and validate its usability in clinical practice in collaboration with renowned orthopedic clinics such as Schulthess Klinik in Zurich. The Venture Kick funding will allow the startup to develop a quality management system and a certification strategy to take a crucial step toward entering the market. Furthermore, Sensemodi will approach multiple potential distribution partners to facilitate the future industrialization process and strengthen its IP position.

“The Venture Kick funding has been an incredible push toward our goals. Our solution has been evolving at a fast pace, thanks to the support from the network and the increased credibility associated with the program, which opened a lot of doors for us,” said Sensemodi CEO Dr. Jérôme Thevenot.

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