> News > Glenmark Pharmaceuticals S.A. Opens New Translational Discovery Centre at Biopôle Lausanne-Epalinges

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals S.A. Opens New Translational Discovery Centre at Biopôle Lausanne-Epalinges


Lausanne, Switzerland - September 26, 2018 – Glenmark Pharmaceuticals, S.A. celebrates the inauguration and official opening of its new translational research and discovery centre at the Biopôle campus of Lausanne (https://www.biopole.ch/en/). The new centre will employ 40 scientists involved in antibody and therapeutic protein discovery and engineering, new target identification and qualification to expand the company’s pipeline of new biologic entities in the therapeutic areas of oncology, respiratory disease and dermatology.

“The inauguration of our new translational discovery centre is the first step towards co-creating and co-innovating alongside globally recognized life science leaders in the Lausanne vicinity. Glenmark’s increasing presence in Switzerland strengthens our track record as a company committed to remaining at the forefront of innovation,” said Dr. Kurt Stoeckli, President and Chief Scientific Officer of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals.

"The arrival of Glenmark on the Biopôle Lausanne Campus marks an important step in the development of our site and its positioning as the place to be for companies active in the field of life sciences. Glenmark's new translational research unit will undoubtedly further strengthen our ecosystem, in close collaboration with our academic partners from CHUV and Unil as well as with other Biopôle members. We look forward to seeing these synergies unfold and we wish Glenmark a fruitful development in Biopôle" said Nasri Nahas, CEO of Biopôle.


The company’s rapidly evolving pipeline of novel biologics and the growing demand for technical development and manufacturing will require further expansion of Glenmark’s current capabilities and capacities. Glenmark will continue to invest in, and operate, its process development and biologics manufacturing centre out of La-Chaux-de-Fonds, Neuchȃtel.


About Glenmark Pharmaceuticals

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (GPL) is a global innovative pharmaceutical company with operations in more than 50 countries. Glenmark has a diverse pipeline with several compounds in various stages of clinical development, primarily focused in the areas of oncology, respiratory disease and dermatology. Glenmark has improved the lives of millions of patients by offering safe, affordable medications for nearly 40 years. For more information, visit glenmarkpharma-us.com.

Glenmark Pharmaceuticals S.A., established in Switzerland in 2004, is a research and development centre focused on biologics. It is a wholly owned subsidiary of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Ltd. of India. Glenmark’s biologics research centre has a robust pipeline of monoclonal antibodies in various stages of development, including bispecific antibodies. The focus of the biologics research and development centre is to develop novel biologic entities in the therapeutic areas of immunology, oncology and inflammation. Glenmark S.A. currently employs approximately 160 people at its research centre.