VivoArchitect is a Swiss-based company focused on in vivo translational research. The company support life-sciences companies and academic institutions with preclinical studies in rodents for drug discovery, particularly in neuroscience and age-associated diseases. VivoArchitect experiments are conducted in premier animal facilities in Western Europe, carefully selected for their spacious and high-quality environments, accelerated licensing processes for quicker.
An Innovative Preclinical Drug Discovery Platform, featuring 24/7 home-cage mouse activity monitoring. This technology eliminates the need for mouse handling for phenotyping, thereby improving welfare, reducing the number of animals required, significantly reducing costs, and enabling scalability. This platform will be offered to our clients and used for our in-house R&D in the near future.
VivoArchitect offers comprehensive preclinical services to meet your research needs:
Bâtiment Alanine – StartLab
Route de la Corniche 5A
1066 Epalinges