> Community > Life Sciences members > Novostia SA

Novostia SA

Novostia is a privately held medical device company developing an innovative artificial heart valve, designed for patients of any age, including children.

Novostia aims to provide young patients suffering from heart disease with a solution for life: the TRIFLO valve. In contrast to current valves, Novostia technology is lifelong durable and does not induce the formation of life-threatening blood clots, therefore do not require patients to take lifelong anticoagulant medication. TRIFLO will improve quality of life for millions of patients, while also significantly reducing overall healthcare costs.


Novostia SA
Lysine Building
Route de la Corniche 4
1066 Epalinges


  • Artifical Heart Valve
  • Anticoagulant free,durable and silent valve
  • Cardiovascular research