> News > biped.ai wins the Startup Champions Seed Night 2024

biped.ai wins the Startup Champions Seed Night 2024

Life sciences shone during the 13th edition of the Startup Champions Seed Night gathering more than 500 people at the Forum Rolex and online!

On 25 April 2024, 20 startups pitched their innovative plans to make an impact in the world of modern technology.

Co-organised by EPFL (EPFL Alumni and Startup Launchpad) & Venturelab, the Startup Champions Seed Night is an annual startup conference & pitch competition bringing together some of the most promising entrepreneurs from EPFL and the rest of Switzerland.

This year proved to be such a tough choice between all of these bright ideas presented by sharp innovators that the jury elected two winners: biped.ai and R2HOME!

AI Mobility harness for Blind People

Biped.ai makes the world accessible for blind and visually impaired people, using AI. The harness, worn on the shoulders, leverages advanced robotics and cameras to detect obstacles, provide indoor and outdoor navigation instructions, and describe the scene. It makes any place accessible in minutes. CEO Maël Fabien pitched on stage to present his technology.


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