> News > biped ai awarded FIT Digital support

biped ai awarded FIT Digital support

The Foundation for Innovation and Technology (FIT) has awarded a Digital Growth loan of CHF 200,000 to Biped. Biped and its harness for the visually impaired will be launching into new markets.

The number of people with impaired vision is rising steadily, and now stands at 300 million worldwide, including 6 million blind people. For them, getting around independently is a daily challenge.

Biped‘s solution to this is NOA, a shoulder-worn harness equipped with wide-angle cameras that scan the environment. Using artificial intelligence and audible ‘beeps’, the user is warned of obstacles around him. NOA also includes indications as to the presence of key features such as pedestrian crossings and doorways, as well as a GPS navigation system.

Already supported by FIT in 2021 with a Digital Grant, Biped has since developed its product with over 250 beta testers, obtained Class 1 medical device certification, raised over 2 million Francs and signed distribution agreements with several partners. With this new FIT Digital Growth loan of 200,000 francs, Biped will continue to expand its distribution network and plans to bring NOA to new markets.


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