One of the biggest challenges faced by life sciences organisations today is talent acquisition and retention – which is why we offer various initiatives to help our members find the right people. A pool of highly educated life sciences graduates enters the job market each year, including in our local area, thanks to the presence of world-leading universities such as the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne (EPFL) and the University of Lausanne (UNIL). We make it our mission to connect this talent and expertise with our companies on site. To that end, we provide a range of programmes that are designed to help graduates transition from academia to industry, while also raising awareness about the diverse opportunities that might come after studying life sciences.


Navigating the transition from academia to industry can be challenging. Our new podcast, Voices of Life Sciences, brings you real stories from young professionals who have taken this step, proving that there isn’t just one defined career path in the life sciences.

Each episode features testimonials from professionals in our community, including their personal highlights, challenges and key learnings, paired with expert analysis and actionable insights to help you overcome obstacles. Whether you’re a student, a recent graduate or simply passionate about science and innovation, this podcast provides all the information and support you need when embarking on this journey.


Looking to kick-start your career in life sciences?

Our careers newsletter keeps you informed about the latest opportunities on the Biopôle campus and beyond. Get access to exclusive job listings, insightful events and valuable resources tailored to students, PhD candidates and young professionals.

Whether you’re exploring what your next step might be or actively seeking new opportunities in the life sciences industry, this newsletter offers key updates that will support you in your journey.


This popular annual event is designed for students, young professionals and academic researchers wishing to explore career opportunities in the life sciences. On Biopôle Discovery Day, we open the doors to our community, letting participants tour our campus facilities and network with inspirational leaders from a range of different companies.


Over time, thanks to the dynamism of our campus, the diversity and educational level of our workforce has steadily increased: according to the latest figures, over three quarters of people working at Biopôle have a Master’s degree, one third have a doctoral degree, nearly half work in R&D and more than half come from outside Switzerland – meaning that 37 different nationalities are represented on campus. What’s more, people who come to work here often stay here: more than one fifth of our workforce has been employed by more than one company or research organisation on site. We’re proud to host this array of talented people, who enrich our campus no end.